How to query a Database
If your intention is building bots to manage your content, chances are that you'll need to retrieve a bunch of pages from a database.
In this small example, we'll get you started on how to query a Notion database, filtering and sorting the page that you want to retrieve.
To query a database you will need your database identifier. It can be retrieved directly from your browser url when you navigate to your database. The url will be something like:`organization-name`/`database-id`?v=`view-id`
Let's say you have this kind of DB:
Name | Price | Date |
purchase 1 | 1$ | 02/02/2022 |
purchase 2 | 40$ | 01/02/2022 |
purchase 3 | 20$ | 03/02/2022 |
The example below retrieve the most expensive product since 02/0/2/22.
import zio._
import zio.notion._
import zio.notion.dsl._
object QueryDatabase extends ZIOAppDefault {
def example: ZIO[Notion, NotionError, Unit] = {
val filter: Filter = $"Date".asDate >= LocalDate.of(2022, 2, 2)
val sorts: Sorts = $"Price".descending
val pagination: Pagination = Pagination(1, None) // We only need to retrieve the first item.
for {
database <- Notion.queryDatabase("XXX-YYY-ZZZ", filter combine sorts, pagination)
_ <-
database.results.headOption match {
case Some(page) => Console.printLine(s"The first page is ${}").orDie
case None => Console.printLine("There is no page corresponding to the query").orDie
} yield ()
override def run = example.provide(Notion.layerWith("secret_XyZ")) // Insert your own bearer