Scala json library choice
- Status: accepted
- Deciders:
- Jonathan Winandy
- Bastien Guihard
- Dylan Do Amaral
Technical Story: We need to serialize and deserialize Notion domain class.
Context and Problem Statement
What JSON library should we use ?
Decision Drivers
- Performance
- Simplicity
- Potential
- Stability
- Ecosystem
- Capabilities
Considered Options
Decision Outcome
Chosen option: "Circe", because it is a library :
- with a huge community
- used massively for years
- agnostic
Positive Consequences
- It answers all our problems
- It is easy to write our own encoders using Magnolia
Negative Consequences
- The compile time for the auto derivation is huge due to Shapeless
Pros and Cons of the other Options
/!\ We didn't test a lot this solution to be honest
- Good, because it is a well maintained library with more than 1K stars
- Good, because it is totally agnostic
- Bad, because it lacks control over the generated json (specific decorator or configuration are missing)
ZIO Json
- Good, because it belongs to the zio ecosystem (and it is ZIO Notion after all)
- Good, because it is the fastest solution (at compile time AND at run time)
- Bad, because it is hard to write our own encoder due to the optimizations
- Bad, because we can have a common configuration, and we have to add decorators everywhere
- Bad, because it is still a young library
- Bad, because we can't use it with generics (even if we don't need that YET)
- Due to performance, we may want to use ZIO Json in the future. However, at the moment, we think that it is not a priority.