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You will deal with Database when handling databases.

Retrieve a database

The easiest way to retrieve a database is:

val database: ZIO[Notion, NotionError, Database] = Notion.retrieveDatabase("database-id")

No exhaustively, the database will contain its title, its column definitions and when it is created.

For more information, you can check the Notion documentation.

Query a database

You will need to query the database if you want to retrieve the pages that compose the database.

You can query the whole database, but you generally want to retrieve a subset of the database.

You can select what kind of information you want specifying a Query object containing information about how you want to sort the result (based on certain columns) or what do you want to retrieve (based on certain columns).

It can be a bit cumbersome to write the object by hand, we advise you to use the DSL to create our own filters and sorts.

To start using the DSL you need the following import:

import zio.notion.dsl._


Both filter and sorts can be applied to databases columns (ie: what's underneath a database property).

You can declare a column using $ as such:

val col: Column = $"My property"


Sorts can be defined using a column:

val sorts: Sorts = $"Col1"

It means that we want the pages sorted using the Col1 property in ascending order.

You can also use col.descending to sort them in descending order:

val sorts: Sorts = $"Col1".descending

Sorts can be chained using the andThen keyword:

val sorts: Sorts = $"Col1" andThen byCreatedTime.descending


Filters can also be defined from a column.

Filters are chained using the or and and keywords:

val filter = $"Col1".asNumber >= 10 and $"Col2".asDate <= LocalDate.of(2022, 2, 2)

In order to apply a filter to a column you must first specify its property type as such:

  • $"myprop".asNumber
  • $"myprop".asTitle
  • $"myprop".asRichText
  • $"myprop".asCheckbox
  • $"myprop".asSelect
  • $"myprop".asMultiSelect
  • $"myprop".asDate
  • $"myprop".asPeople
  • $"myprop".asFiles
  • $"myprop".asUrl
  • $"myprop".asEmail
  • $"myprop".asPhoneNumber
  • $"myprop".asRelation
  • $"myprop".asCreatedBy
  • $"myprop".asLastEditedBy
  • $"myprop".asCreatedTime
  • $"myprop".asLastEditedTime

All filter conditions can be found here or using autocompletion tools.

For more information, you can check the Notion documentation.

Update a database

Notion allows you to update:

  • The database title
  • The properties schema of the database

Strictly speaking, you have to provide a list of operations describing the list of changes from the current database to the expected one.

There is two types of operations :

  • Stateless operations are operations that does not require the current state of the database to generate a patch. As an example, setDatabaseTitle is a stateless operation because we don't need to explicitly know if the database already has a title or not.
  • Stateful operations are operations that does require the current state of the database. As an example, renameDatabase requires the current database name to update it.

We explicitly differentiate the operations because stateless operations does not require a database to work. It means that we don't have to retrieve the database first to update it. That is why the Notion interface provides several update methods :

def updateDatabase(databaseId: String, operations: Database.Patch.StatelessOperations): IO[NotionError, Database]
def updateDatabase(database: Database, operations: Database.Patch.Operations): IO[NotionError, Database]
def updateDatabase(databaseId: String, operation: Database.Patch.Operations.Operation.Stateless): IO[NotionError, Database]
def updateDatabase(database: Database, operation: Database.Patch.Operations.Operation): IO[NotionError, Database]

We provide several kind of operations that can compose:

import zio.notion.dsl._ // We advise you to import the dsl

val operations = $$"col1".remove ++ $$"col2"

Here is a non-exhaustive list of operation:

val operation = setDatabaseTitle("Database title") // Set the database title (Stateless)
val operation = $$"col1".remove // Remove the col1 if it exists (Stateless)
val operation = $$"col1".create(euro) // Create a new col1 with a number type in euro (Stateless)
val operation = $$"col1".patch.rename("col2") // Rename the col1 to col2 (Stateful)

For more information, you can check the Notion documentation.