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A Block is a fragment of a page content. Basically, every page in Notion are composed by different type of blocks such as h1, image and so on.

Retrieve a block

To retrieve a block you can call the following function providing the id of the block:

val block: ZIO[Notion, NotionError, Block] = Notion.retrieveBlock("block-id")

Generally, you won't retrieve a block but the blocks that composed a particular page. You can retrieve them using:

import zio.notion._

val blocks: ZIO[Notion, NotionError, Blocks] = retrieveAllBlocks("page-id")

For more information, you can check the Notion documentation.

Append blocks

You can append blocks from a page or a block providing a list of block contents:

import zio.notion._
import zio.notion.dsl._ // We advice you to use this import to write block contents

val blockId = "XXXXX" // It can be either a page or a block Id
val blocks = List(
h1"My beautiful documentation",
h2"My subtitle",
p"Lorem ipsum for the win !"

val block: ZIO[Notion, NotionError, Blocks] = Notion.appendBlocks(blockId, blocks)

For more information, you can check the Notion documentation.