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SparkSession in test

Spark needs a SparkSession to run the dataset jobs. ZIO Spark test provides helpers to get this SparkSession for free.

One file SparkSession

Any objects that implements ZIOSparkSpecDefault trait is a runnable spark test. So to start writing tests we need to extend ZIOSparkSpecDefault, which requires a Spec:

import zio.test._
import zio.spark.test._
import zio.spark.sql.implicits._

object MySpecs extends ZIOSparkSpecDefault {
override def sparkSpec =
suite("ZIOSparkSpecDefault can run spark job without providing layer")(
test("It can run Dataset job") {
for {
df <- Dataset(1, 2, 3)
count <- df.count
} yield assertTrue(count == 3L)

It is exactly the same thing as ZIOSpecDefault. It just provides a custom SparkSession by default.

Multi files SparkSession

The issue with the above example is that it will try to run many SparkSession if you have tests in different files. Sadly, it is not correct since it will try to start many spark clusters at the same time. Hopefully, you can bypass it using SharedZIOSparkSpecDefault.

It is the same kind of code, however it will ensure that all the jobs from the different files are finished before closing a unique SparkSession:

import zio.test._
import zio.spark.test._
import zio.spark.sql.implicits._

object MySpecs extends SharedZIOSparkSpecDefault {
override def spec =
suite("SharedZIOSparkSpecDefault can run shared spark job without providing layer")(
test("It can run Dataset job") {
for {
df <- Dataset(1, 2, 3)
count <- df.count
} yield assertTrue(count == 3L)

Overriding SparkSession configuration

By default, here is the SparkSession configuration:

import zio.spark._

val defaultSparkSession: SparkSession.Builder =
.config("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 1)
.config("spark.ui.enabled", value = false)

You can override it simply as follows:

import zio.test._
import zio.spark.test._
import zio.spark.sql.implicits._

abstract class ZIOSparkSpec extends ZIOSparkSpecDefault {
override def ss: SparkSession.Builder ="", "")

And uses it the same way :

import zio.test._
import zio.spark.test._
import zio.spark.sql.implicits._

object MySpecs extends ZIOSparkSpec {
override def spec = ???