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Code Generation

Like we already said, the main Spark classes are auto generated in Zio-Spark. We have to add our own classes because Spark is Impure and not ZIO aware.

A generated class is composed by three kind of codes:

  • The code automatically generated from Spark
  • The scala version specific code written in Zio-Spark to add Zio-Spark functionalities
  • The scala version non-specific code written in Zio-Spark to add Zio-Spark functionalities


Generally speaking here is the workflow that auto-generate a Zio-Spark class:

Let's take Dataset as an example !

Everything start with a GenerationPlan, the plan read sources from Spark and use them to generate the Zio-Spark sources. We decided to store the generated file in zio-spark-core/src/main/scala-$version/zio/spark/sql/Dataset.scala directly. It allows us to compare the differences using git and it is clearer for people to understand what's happening.

When SBT is compiling the core module, based on the zio-spark-codegen plugin :

  1. We read the Spark code source of the Dataset using SBT (in org.apache.spark/spark-sql:org/apache/spark/sql/Dataset.scala)
  2. We use Scalameta to read the source, analyse, and generate the code for zio-spark
    • We group all class methods by type and wrapping them.
    • We need to specify class specific import and folks.
    • We add extra chunks of code from the overlays
  3. We write the merged output for the target scala version (current $version used by the core module during compilation) into zio-spark-core/src/main/scala-$version/zio/spark/sql/Dataset.scala


At the beginning, the generated code contains only one kind of code: the code automatically generated from Spark.

You can then use this code to generate an overlays. They allow us to add our scala version specific and non-specific functions.

These overlays can be found in zio-spark-core/src/it/scala....

For Dataset, you will find four overlays:

  • zio-spark-core/src/it/scala/DatasetOverlay.scala -> The code shared by all scala versions
  • zio-spark-core/src/it/scala-$version/DatasetOverlay.scala -> The code specific for all scala versions

For general name pattern is ${ClassName}Overlay ($ClassName in Dataset, RDD, ...)

If you recompile adding these overlays, the function between template:on and template:off will be added to the generated code.